Tuesday, May 20, 2008

17 weeks and getting so big

Ryan is 17 weeks old today!! I can't believe how fast the time is going. He goes for his 4 month check up on Thursday and gets more of the dreaded shots. We have taken quite a few pictures this past week because Ryan is hitting all of his major milestones!!

He is sleeping through the night again. He had about a 10 day stretch where he was waking up between 3-5am to eat. Now he is waking up between 6 and 7am. Not too bad. He rolled over for the first time last week - at 16 weeks exactly. He also has the smallest little tooth emerging very slowly. Guess all of this drooling actually has a reason behind it. :)

The pictures are from rolling over to this past Saturday when we were outside enjoying our new patio and patio furniture.

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