Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A swimmingly good time...

As usual, I am behind in doing any posts. After Father's day, I had another week to myself while Mike was in Williamsburg, VA from Monday-Friday. We occupied ourselves with several playdates and hanging out with the Turner's. Our neighbors 3 doors down are moving to Oklahoma City on June 28 and we wanted to get in as much playtime as possible with them before they left...
So, we played and went to the pool and did VBS in Ross Bridge with their church, Crosscreek. It was a really busy week to say the least. I don't know if I would attempt a night-time VBS by myself with these 2 munchkins again. It was hard work!!
Anyway, before Mike left, we spent some time at the pool practicing our swimming. Ryan loves to swim and goes under a ton. He surprises us all the time. The week that I took these pictures, Ryan decided to start swimming under water after he jumped to me and to retrieve objects off of the bottom of the pool by himself. I was floored! We had been playing with these 2 other children for a few days that week at the pool and they are 6 and 4 and can do these skills. So, he just picked them up by trying to be "just like them". It was pretty cool. We still use the puddle jumper a lot because I usually have them at the pool by myself, but it is fun to watch him "swim" all by himself...

My little swim bug thinks that she is as big as her brother. This is how she prefers to spend her time at the pool. Floating around in the baby pool with NO HELP from me.
Practicing a few strokes
pictures taken June 17

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