Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I wish that I could say the first morning of school was a huge success...
  • That the morning went well
  • There was no yelling or screaming
  • Both children calmly helped me all morning long
  • I didn't have to discipline or use sharp words with either child
  • The drive was pleasant and laid back - we sang songs and talked
  • Pictures were taken and both children smiled beautifully

Unfortunately, I can't really say that ANY of these things happened.
Our morning started off early, as usual. 6:05am I had a little person standing at my bedside asking to watch a show. This is a normal thing, so nothing different so far. 15 minutes into said show I was again awoken to be told that the show was going off and a certain little someone does not like commercials. (I mean, I love Noggin, but they have totally spoiled him with channels that do show commercials. He is crazy about complaining about NOT wanting to watch them. Very impatient...we are working on that!) At this point I hear our other little one start crying. Now this, this is unusual. She usually doesn't wake up until 7am and even then you may not know she is awake because she sits and reads for a while by herself. So, it is only 6:20 and both children are awake and complaining. I get out of bed knowing I need to hurry and get dressed because I need to fix lunches and I found out late last night that we had some people coming to our house today while I was out. So, I had to put up a few last minute things from being out of town last week that had been left out and vacuum the floors. No big deal...I can do all of that...I have 2 hours...yeah, well, at about 7am it hits me that...Oh. My. Goodness...I forgot Kaitlyn has her 15 month doctors appointment this morning at 8am. This leaves me with only 30 remaining minutes to get EVERYTHING done. (did I mention that I am by myself because Mike is out of town!!!)
It was a CRAZY, HECTIC morning and I am sorry to say that the children saw most of this stress first hand. I am guilty of speaking sharp, LOUD, words, not showing patience or even kindness when I really think about it, hurrying them to the point of craziness, and then continuing to show this horrible attitude the whole way in the car. I am ashamed for acting this way and wish that I could undo this awful, terrible morning and fill it with homemade pancakes, hugs and kisses, time to pick out their outfits and put them one myself without throwing something at them and asking them to do what they can themselves, putting a little something special into a lunchbox, talking and laughing on the way to school, and taking some nice, laid back (all-the-time-in-the-world) pictures when we arrived at school. Maybe Friday will be a better day. A more laid back day. A kinder day.

This is where I need to go. This is what I need in my day.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Oh, and just in case you are wondering. That Doctor's appointment that we forgot about and were rushing around to get to that caused even more unnecessary stress on an already stressful day. Well, they had no power. So, we got there and they couldn't see us. We have to reschedule...REALLY??!!

Here are the few pictures I did get today...

and this is the only one I got of Kaitlyn...running off and laughing the whole time while Ryan tried to grab her. Kind of funny looking back. Very irritating at the time!!!


TigerFamily said...

Loved catching up on your days! As always, the kids are beautiful! If we were all as open, honest and real as you wrote....we would be the first to say we have ALL had those mornings. Not our sharpest mothering moments...but real non the less. It't time like these we are thankful for His mercy and grace! Now if I would just apply that more to my children:) The boys are learning about self control at church this month and I must say it has it close to home with me! I do see 2 very happy and smiling children in your pictues so your best days must be rubbing off!

Traveling in the car with a fussy little one is no fun! Especially 9 hours! When Parker was little he would do the same thing....turns out he was car sick and had no way of telling us. We only know this now b/c he actually gets sick:( I think back to when he was little and he felt so bad he just fussed. Just a thought?

Oh....ane we need to see some more pictures of you and that cute bump!

TigerFamily said...

ha ha! that was me (martha. We are not sure why it now says Chris? Used to say "tigernurse". Just didn't want Mike to think some random guy was leaving you messages! martha

Jamie and Brooks said...

Sad, but glad i'm not the only one that has mornings like that sometimes :) The kids are adorable and getting so big!!!