Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012 - 2 years old

seriously, I could not love a little girl more...
she is a light and a personality like I have not seen before. 
Kaitlyn speaks and has an opinion about everything. she LOVES Ryan and wants to do everything that he does. she loves jumping on the "jumpy". She is getting into Dora and likes "EEmo", but hasn't really gotten into her baby dolls. She has just really gotten into purses. She loves carrying them around and pulling out the brushes, mirrors, fake lipstick, keys, cell phone, and money that come in them. She now has 3 and rotates them around throughout the day. She goes to school MWF like Ryan and has Ms. Leigh and Ms. Andrea. She loves them!! She really enjoys her preschool and never gets upset to go. she is totally dependent on "Wuvvy and Paci" for her comfort. She reaches for them throughout the is really sweet. Let's just hope Lovey never gets lost again. We are up the creek if that happens. 
All in all, Kaitlyn is a sweet little girl who gets upset if we (well, more like Mike) raises a voice to her. She will mimic things we say and loves to learn something new. She is strong willed like her older brother, but not as prone to carrying things "too far" like he does. She already has the tell tale sign of being mischievous as she does things deliberately to Ryan that she KNOWS will bug him. Kind of funny some days. hahaha

Her stats:
29 lbs 2 oz
34" tall
19.5" head circumference

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