Monday, August 6, 2012

aug 7 - New House

We are here...we have finally arrived....ONE YEAR after we put our house on the market - to the day - August 1 to August 1 and we  have closed on a house in South Carolina!!! YAY!!

These are my thoughts from August 6 - 1 week after we moved in.
I think we have moved into the nicest neighborhood around. We love playing in the huge yard and being surrounded by trees. I feel like the back yard is an oasis in which to explore. We have our own pool...which I never bargained for, but it has been such a blessing. the kids have played/swam in it every day since we moved in and we have had lots of friends over to enjoy swimming. It seems the perfect gathering spot and we can't wait for the kids to grow here and get to invite lots of friends over to hang out in the future!! So excited to be back in SC.
Here is a pic of the house and I will get to the pool soon.

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