Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shy and my new toy

Mike says that this is a perfect example of why Ryan should be embarrassed. He was not fond of the outfit that I dressed Ryan in. I thought it was cute. I mean, the blue socks are a little out there, but overall it isn't that bad!

Ryan's new toy....a burp cloth. Sometimes this is the only way I can get him to quit fussing while I am fixing supper. So, it has become a favorite. I gave him a blanket that Caroline Hoppe gave us today. Maybe I can redirect the fondness toward the soft, cuddly animal head blanket. We shall see how it goes.

1 comment:

The Coles said...

Hi Maddens...Ryan is so cute and very large...looks like a linebacker Mike..We miss you guys so much and are coming to visit soon,Tom will figure out with Mike!!!