Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Long time...

I know that it has been a while since I posted anything...honestly...there just hasn't been that much going on. Labor day was good, but uneventful. We hung out here at the house and got some things done. Ryan is growing out of all of his toys - we have put up the bath seat, bouncy seat, and swing already and just installed his new car seat. So, the infant carrier will now go up too. Who knew that he would be so big and grow so fast!!!

Anyway, today we went to meet his teachers for Mother's Day Out. He seemed to have a really good time when I went back in to pick him up. I will have to take a picture on Monday to officially document his first day there.

The pics below were from today when I realized that it had been almost 2 weeks since I snapped a picture of Ryan...

Beth and Jake out for impromptu play time (above)

Jake and his many teeth (below)


The Hardy Family said...

He is so precious!!!!!!!!!

Chris and Amy said...

I love that picture of him scooting in the grass. His facial expression is precious!

Steven and Stephanie Cresap said...

what a doll! I just wanna' squeeze those chubby thighs:-)