Wednesday, September 23, 2009

totally stealing a picture, or two, from Beth

Handprints from today at Mother's Day Out. Ryan's is the blue one on the top row.

Again, having so much fun...

The Zoo

Yes, they are in the refrigerator...crazy, huh?

Yesterday, checking out the kitchen counter

Ryan's first day at "Mrs. Beth's". Looks like he was definitely having more fun than I was...

1 comment:

TigerFamily said...

Love the pics with him and his buddy! So neat. Hope your transitioning (is that a word?) is going smoother as the days go on. Yes, AC's clemson dress came from Enchanted closet. There is no way I would find anything Clemson here in Atlanta. Even though it is almost a half way point between Clemson and will find only Auburn stuff. Drives me crazy! Too bad we couldn't get them in a picture together:) Hope we have a good outcome this weekend! m