Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who Knew...

That is would be this time consuming to work and take care of Ryan...Whew...I am exhausted. Hence, (Mike loves this word...hahaha) the lack of posting...

Here are some pics of the last few weeks in October.

Tom and Priscilla came to visit
Having fun at the train park
Ryan showing off his "mad" coffee skills. (the child gets out the filter, beans, coffee grinder -- grinds the coffee and then smells it when he is finished)

Here Ryan is doing his favorite thing -- driving Riley nuts! Ryan LOVES it when Riley licks his face. Drives me CRAZY to watch, but what can you say when he is having that much fun?

The treats that Doc brings -- Lovely, yellow icing...did it have to be yellow?? haha

We kept Jake one Saturday night so that Beth and Tyson could enjoy some time alone. The two of them watching Sesame Street.

Ryan's "Oh No" that Mike taught him. Hysterical!

Thinking really hard!

I mean, really, what could be more fun than hanging out in Riley's bed, with a bottle of milk, and my favorite flash cards. Life is so good.
Foot, Shoe, check.

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