Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ryan's crazy hair from blow drying it himself
Playing with a new Polar Express Train set that Mimi and Doc brought.

Checking himself out in the dishwasher. Too funny.

That same weekend that Mike's parent's were visiting, Ryan got out his Halloween costume from last year -- you know, the year I had the stomach bug and couldn't take my little one trick-or-treating. So, Ryan likes to wear it around the house. Too cute!!

1 comment:

TigerFamily said...

Oh my word girl!!! You have done it up right...there are others ways to get a few days on the couch:) Bless your heart, sounds like you had a rough go at November. I'm so sorry to hear you have been so sick and the surgery on top of everything else. Praying December is much kinder to you and that you get to enjoy all the festivities! martha