Saturday, December 5, 2009

so behind

Why can I not seem to keep up with this blog? Could it be the so-called "swine flu", the mis-diagnosed "walking pnuemonia", or possilby the emergency surgery to have my appendix removed the day before Thanksgiving?? Needless to say we have had a rough couple of weeks in November and are SO THANKFUL that it is finally December. Maybe we can hope for a few months of Mommy feeling like Mommy instead of an invalid.
These pictures are from the 3rd weekend in November when Mike's parent's were visiting and I was so sick from the Tamiflu that I was taking for the so-called "swine flu" that I could hardly get off the couch.
Ryan was LOVING the LEAVES!! He had so much fun running up and down the hill into the pile that Mike kept raking for him. It was so great to see him enjoying himself so much!
I have lots more to catch up, keep reading!

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