Saturday, January 23, 2010

new game

Ryan's new game to be able to get to keep his pacifier when he is out of the crib...bring the crib with him. You see his pillow, blanket, doggie, pacifier...unbelievable!

1 comment:

TigerFamily said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! This makes me laugh:) Such a cutie he is. I know a certain little girl around this age that is up to the same no good. She will take them and hide them so she can find them latter. We have yet to find her stash! If there is another baby out, she will take it straight from their mouth! Addicted I tell you. I think she would stay in bed most of the day just so she could have her "papi". Oh.... 3 are required for sleeping! One in her mouth and one in each hand. I figure by the time we mover her into Clemson freshman year she will be over it:)