Monday, January 11, 2010 December?

Crazy, I know...but we had snow on December 5. To say that we were not prepared for this sort of thing would be the largest understatement ever...

Picture this...your child ready to go outside in the snow and what does he have on but 2 pair of socks and a pair of CROCS. Yes, crocs. We had yet to buy him "closed-toe" shoes. (needless to say, we did that immediately the next day) In addition to his crocs, he had on a long-sleeve t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and a hoodie. Yes, that is all that we had to bundle up our little one in is a hoodie. I mean, really, when does it ever get that cold in December? Obviously in 2009!! Ryan seemed warm enough and loved the snow...that is right until he noticed that it actually can get ONTO his crocs. (not into, but onto -- gotta love my OCD child)

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