Saturday, May 1, 2010

Easter Morning

Here is my basket. We went to church with Mom and Dad in Chapin. it was a lot of fun to see a different church. We went back to the house and had lunch consisting of Bojangles fried chicken (Birmingham doesn't have Bojangles!!) and then we packed up to make the LONG trip back home. We thought we were going to be "golden" and that Ryan would sleep a long time...not the case.
The pollen came out in full force while we were in Columbia. Ryan has some MAJOR seasonal allergies. He fell asleep before we could even reach the interstate, but he coughed himself awake within an hour. He was awake the whole rest of the trip...Bummer!!
I have to say though, the trip now is a whole lot different than it was a year ago. Ryan did GREAT the whole way there and back. He watched movies or talked, etc. No fussing, crying, constant demand for attention. It was heaven!!
I have 1 picture from Easter morning with us, but it is on my parent's camera. I will post when I get it.

1 comment:

The Hardy Family said...

I love all your sweet Easter pictures!! Your camera is awesome girl...such sharp pics! I hope you are hanging in there over these last few weeks! I have Ryan's shirt all ready to be it's just getting to the post office...ha! :)