Monday, December 20, 2010

Catching up from my catching up

I wrote the previous post a few weeks ago...things have always.
Ryan has only had the one accident that random morning except for ONE COMPLETE DAY where he had 7 accidents. All because he plain, refused to go potty. The day started off crazy - it was exactly 2 weeks after he (suddenly) potty-trained himself and we were headed to Ryan's school to meet with Santa. (This was a day he normally didn't go) Anyway, he had refused to potty all morning and wouldn't go when we got to school either. I brought an extra change of clothes because I could just tell that today was going to be "a day". You know, the day where the children just won't "do right", where things definitely don't go your way and by nap time you are physically and mentally exhausted. Well, I (unfortunately) was right in my assumption of the day.
We got to school and Ryan was CRAZY. He was all over the place and jumped into 3 other children's picture with Santa. I finally got him out of the pic and then he "said" he had to potty. Beth took him and Jake upstairs to go, but when I got finished putting Kait in her seat and got upstairs he hadn't actually gone. We then had the idea to take the boys to Chick-fil-a to get some energy out because it was freezing cold and we hadn't been outside in a while. Anyway, we get to CFA (after corralling Ryan from running around the church/school) and the boys immediately go into the play place. Ryan heads up the contraption inside and comes out very quickly saying that he has had an accident. (accident #1) We go to the potty and change clothes. He goes back in the play place....10 minutes later he comes guessed it...another accident. (accident #2) We again, head to the potty and again he tells me that he doesn't have to go at all. I change him and back in the play place he goes. Now, 5 minutes later...again here comes my child...and yes, he is wet again. This time he is SOAKED. All the way down his pants. I am now out of clothes and totally frustrated. I put him back in the original red cords and off to home we go. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to know that your child "can" go, but chooses not to. AAHH, makes you want to scream!!!
(it is now after January and I am just finishing up this post and he has not had any more accidents since this day. This really was a day that God was saying... "how much can she take...let's see..." I don't think I did so well on this little lesson/test.

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