Wednesday, January 5, 2011

don't know where to start

I am so behind that I don't know where to begin. Since I use this blog as kind of a scrapbook/reminder for me, I want to stay on top of things. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be doing such a good job. :)
So, here goes.
halloween - behind.
We went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood for Halloween. Our neighborhood has about 10 million kids, so it is really perfect for this sort of thing. We got started about 5:30 with the rest of our neighbors. We had to leave candy on the front porch because the whole neighborhood seemed to be out at the same time. We went down the street and back up it and had had enough. Ryan did so good running up to the people's houses and he knew that a light on meant someone was home and a light off meant bypass that one and head to the next one. So cute to watch him figure that out. We ran into Jake when we walked outside. So, they had a blast going from door to door together.

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