Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 month visit

The mischievous look. Getting ready to pull up and get into something...or everything...
The famous throwback...

Rockin' the "Pebbles" look today. Just a shout out to my Mama who did my hair like this constantly as a baby.

February 28 was Kaitlyn's 9 month check up.
She is "thriving" as usual...which really means...very large baby!!
Kaitlyn is 20 lbs, 14 oz and 29 inches long. Both were in the 86-88th percentile. Not surprising considering I can feel every pound of her as I carry her around the house. Oh how I had hoped for one of those petite babies that don't break your back. Guess that just wasn't in the cards for my children!! haha
Anyway, as of Feb. 25 weekend, Kaitlyn has been pulling up on everything...and I mean everything! She is really having fun with it and has definitely gotten quick about it. She loves standing at the couch and pulling up to grin at me while I am sitting or make funny faces or just talk a bit. She is a lot more talkative than Ryan was at this age. (maybe that means we will actually have a child that speaks before their 2nd birthday!)
Anyway, she is doing great and just adores her new-found freedom. She isn't crazy about being put in a walker, but I think that is mainly because she can't chase big brother around from room to room while strapped in a walker. Yesterday she was cracking me up because she literally chased him around the house in circles while he rode through the den, dining room, kitchen and hearth room on his bicycle. It was so funny to watch her go as fast as she could, stop turn around and chase after him the other way. They are so cute together!

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