Monday, August 11, 2008

28 weeks -- 6.5 months

Ryan has had so many first this week!!

He started attempting to crawl on Tuesday, August 5. He gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth, then he pulls both knees up to his chest and can't quite get the hands to move up so he falls down...but then when he repeats he is a whole body length ahead of where he started. It is really cute...though I am really not sure I am ready to have him mobile yet. I kind of like being able to let him sit on the floor behind me while I work and not have to worry that he is going to be into another room before I turn around.

He is SO BUSY! Ryan has really gotten into some of his toys and has a blast playing with them. He loves to watch Mike throw (and catch ) a ball against his bedroom door. He just laughs and laughs. It is hilarious.

On Friday, August 8, Mike and I were hanging out with Ryan in our room and Ryan took my finger to his mouth - he hasn't done this in a while - and he starts chewing....whoa, what is that?? Teeth!!! Ryan all of a sudden is breaking both of his bottom teeth! We were shocked! I haven't been able to get a picture of them yet, but I am going to keep trying. He is doing really well considering...he is sleeping ok, and only seems to be a little fussy. So, for now, we are looking good with teeth!

Oh, we are also working on Da-Da...he has Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba down really well, but just can't seem to switch the consonants. Hopefully soon. :)

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