Wednesday, November 5, 2008

sick again

Ok, so, Ryan went to school last Monday 10/27 feeling fine, but on the way there I heard from a friend who's daughter also attends and she said that she had gotten sick with a stomach bug over the weekend. hmmm, that doesn't sound good. So, I asked the teachers at Ryan's school...has anyone been sick with this, have you heard of the bug going around? I got a resounding negative on all the above and was told that noone had seen it or heard of it going around. Well, I will know better next time. Ryan wound up with the stomach bug on Wednesday night. Did I mention that I got sick with strep throat on Monday and that Mike has been gone since Sunday night?? AAAHHH...Mike got home and an hour later Ryan started throwing up. thank goodness he seemed to feel ok for the most part, but it sure did make me do a LOT of laundry!!

These pics are of us feeding Ryan pedialyte with a straw because he wouldn't take it any other way. What a HAM he is!

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