Sunday, November 1, 2009

Old Bakers Farm

The Rooster

Ok, so we decided to take Ryan to the pumpkin patch last weekend. We had so much fun last year that we decided it was a MUST this year. We tried Old Baker's Farm instead of the Pumpkin Patch we went to last year because we heard that it was the better place. Well, let's see...what should have taken 30-40 minutes took over an hour. (mike is usually great with finding shortcuts and not reading maps, but this time he definitely chose the longer route...) Anyway, by the time we got there it was 10:45. Not looking so good for our baby that goes to sleep in about 2 hours. We park (at least 5 miles from the place), walk through cow poop while Ryan screamed to get down because he wanted to up to the entrance and I realized that in all the screaming comotion I forgot the cash in the car, waited on mike to make the 20 minute walk back to the car and back to us, then got in. Everything is looking good. It is the Cotton Festival at Old Baker's Farm this particular weekend so we see tons of food, vendors, bands, cloggers, banjos, a hay maze, a barn with a HUGE petting zoo, Indians doing sacred dances, and there will be a Civil War reenactment at some point during the day. After we cruise through the food and vendors, we stop at the petting zoo for a while. Ryan is enthralled with a Gigantic Rooster and horse, we look at this massive, weaving, REALLY LONG line and wonder what it is for...oh yea, you guessed it...this is the line for the hay ride to get to the pumpkin patch. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? There is no way we are gonna make that one!! So, we watched some Indians, got some cute video of Ryan dancing to the tribal beat and then hiked back to the car...yes, pumpkinless. Guess that 'ole pumpkin that Doc and Mimi carved will have to do it for this year... enjoy the pics. Even though it was a day that didn't turn out exactly as we had planned...we still had a lot of fun enjoying the different events. Next year we may head back to the Pumpkin patch from last year though.

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