Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 weeks gone...

Wow, 2 weeks FLY by!
We decided that since Mike "had" to go to Napa for ANOTHER week of awesome food, awesome wine, and very little work (hahaha) that I would spend that time in Columbia. We drove in on Sunday and Mike left at 6:45am Monday morning. So, I am left to my own devices as my Mom works 11 hours of the day and my mother-in-law is out of town tending to my sister-in-law who just had her baby...
So, i decide to try potty training. I mean, I am at home, at the lake and it will be the "perfect" time to get this done. Yea, right. Noone counted on the fact that my child is BEYOND stubborn. Can you believe that in a 12-13 hour day he only went "potty" 2 times. (and neither of these was actually IN the potty) He held it ALL day. So, we wake up Tuesday morning ready to tackle this again. By naptime (which is close to 3pm in SC) I had had it!! We had accident after accident and still not one successful potty attempt. I now have my child telling me that he is not a big boy. He is a little boy and therefore too little to pee/poop in the potty. He looked at Mike last night and said, "I not grow up too fast...I Mommy's little boy" Oh, what have I done?!?!?
Needless to say, we are still in diapers. I decided that when we try this again, Mike will be present so maybe that male influence will help things alot. Of course, since this 2 day period Ryan has told us consistently before every "potty" moment. Unfortunately, he also tells us that "I just go in my diaper. I not go in potty today" Lovely...
While we were home Ryan helped Pop cut LOTS of grass and we got a visit from Doc with a gift of a blower that ABSOLUTELY made Ryan's day. He was SO EXCITED!!!!

Dot and Kaitlyn - 12 weeks
Dot came by to visit also. Ryan being a ham in the pictures. 2 year olds...what are you gonna do with them?

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