Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hanging at the lake house

We find lots of stuff to do while at the lake. Lately, fishing has been one of them. So much so, that Ryan had to get in on the action.
He was so cute listening intently to what Mike was telling him and then learning to cast his rod. My little one is growing up so fast...sad.
Guess I should tell him that though -- maybe if I keep reiterating what a "big boy" he is I won't have to deal with diapers anymore!!


TigerFamily said...

Oh girl, hang in there with the potty training! Little boys have their own time schedule! We fought it for 6 3 1/2 they were done!!! You are not the only one and he is not the only stubborn little boy! I really thought it was going to be the death of me:) I swear to Chris to this day that I should get a potty present for training out 3 kids:) He WILL be trained by the time you drop him off for his freshman year of college:) For a bit of encouragement....little miss will be sooooo much easier! AC did it herself in 3 days!!!! 1 day really, but we did have a few mishaps the next 2 days. It was glorious:) Hang in there! It was the hardest parenting skill for me by far but also the one I feel the most accomplished on:) far. Get him around some boys a bit older than him and he just might want in on the action! If his peers are doing it (or cousins) then he just might be game:)

The Hardy Family said...

I loved your posts and your pics! It was great seeing you, Ryan and Kaitlyn while you were here. I wish we could have seen more of you guys. Please let me know when you come back this way! Hang in there with the potty training! Scott was definitely more stubborn than Tyler was. Just play it cool and don't let Ryan catch on to how frustrating it is for you. He will get it soon!! Take care!