Monday, December 26, 2011

Nov. 12 - Family pictures

So, after we got home and Kaitlyn was sick and then Ryan got pink eye and then Colin had to be on the Light Therapy constantly, we talked Priscilla (Mimi) into staying one more night so that we were only alone for a few hours on that first Sunday. My parents arrived that Sunday evening and stayed until the following Saturday. The only pictures we got the WHOLE week was about an hour before they left. (having 3 kids certainly leaves little time for pictures!)
We were so grateful to have Mimi here for almost 2 weeks (1 week before colin and the week that we were in the hospital) and to have my parents here for Colin's Day 5 - 10. It was wonderful to have some built in entertainment and attention lavished on the 2 older children so I could concentrate on Colin and feedings and healing from another c-section.
hallelujah for Parents!!!
I don't think we could ever find the words for what their time meant to us during these first 2 weeks. I was really struggling with how I was going to balance being a mother to 3. (especially since I never thought I would be a mother to 3). I just wasn't sure how to give sufficient attention to each child. Having grandparents here certainly helped ease that burden in the immediate timeframe coming home from the hospital. We appreciate every moment they can give us with their time, their efforts in the house, their entertainment for the children, their constant care of us as well as all the children. It is just amazing to have parents like ours.

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