Friday, December 30, 2011

Ryan's Christmas Program

Ryan was in his school performance along with every other child from the 2's, 3's, and 4's. He was a King though he kept calling himself a shepherd. Not sure why since he clearly had a crown on his head?? Anyway, this program was on a Tuesday which is not a normal school day for us. I dropped him off in his classroom and dropped Kaitlyn off too (thankfully). Colin and I went and grabbed a seat. Well, I think I started hearing him call for Mommy down the hall from the auditorium where I was sitting. Great!
I videoed him coming in and going on stage. he knew all the songs, but didn't participate in all of them. He kept pointing at me and saying "Mommy, Mommy" over and over again. I finally talked to him after the program was over and asked him what was going on. He said, " I wanted you to come on stage with me so I kept calling to you." Oh, well, that makes perfect sense. I can definitely say that he was a little "off" that morning. We had a little reception for the parents and Ryan was back to his old self...

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