Friday, December 2, 2011

While at the hospital

Colin was born on Tuesday, November 1 and I was in the hospital until Friday, November 4. Those few days were relaxing and crazy all at the same time.
On Wednesday, our kids stay at school until 4pm. So, Priscilla went to pick them up and then we get a text from our neighbor, Beth, about 5pm telling us that Kaitlyn has a 103 temperature. Well, of course Mike rushes home to find out what is wrong with our little girl. He spends the evening and most of the night at home administering medicine, feeding supper, doing baths, etc. with Priscilla. Then he heads back to the hospital about 11pm to stay the night with me on that "oh so comfortable" couch that they provide for all the daddy's on the maternity ward. (he has got the "making of the couch/bed" down to a science these days)
He wakes up at the crack of dawn to go back to our house and get Kaitlyn for a doctor's appointment. We find out that she has double ear infections and double pink eye!!! WHAT?? You have got to be kidding. This is coming from the child that has never even been on an antibiotic and she has the major things while we are in the hospital!! AHHH!!
Anyway, she seems to be doing ok despite her sickness, so Mike heads back to the hospital late Thursday evening. (thank goodness Colin has not required much of me while in the hospital)
We get home on Friday about 3pm or so and are greeted by our adorable children. Wake up Saturday morning EARLY to get Colin to a doctor's appt to test his bilirubin and find out that Ryan now has pink eye. (oh, and did I mention that Beth got it too...ugh!)
Colin did not do well on his bilirubin test and now has to go on light phototherapy. Great, just what we need...more things we have to do in addition to having this new life. Oh my goodness...overwhelming first day home. :)

Just some pics from our few days in the hospital...

Dr. Christine delivered all 3 children
Beth and Walker
the same outfit Ryan wore home

Ryan welcoming us home!

1 comment:

The Hardy Family said...

All of your pictures are precious! I loved the birth announcement, too!! I hope everything is going really well! I've been thinking about you! :) See you soon!