Friday, July 16, 2010

6 weeks and counting

I have to say...our first 6 weeks have been a little daunting. The beginning weeks were fine. Not much was different except we had some extra pair of hands to help, but Kaitlyn slept almost 18 hours a day and really made little impact on our day to day life except just that she was here and we were delighted....but, other than that, we carried on as normal. Week 3 brought on a new set of issues because, just like Ryan, Kaitlyn developed (or it all of a sudden became apparent) acid reflux. Funny how they both developed/became apparent on the same week of life almost to the day. Kaitlyn is now a big time feature in our lives - mainly because instead of sleeping 18 hours, she is having to be held upright for 18 hours. A little tough to say the least when you have a 2 year old demanding undivided attention also. Ryan has been a trooper though and really helped out with Kaitlyn. He likes to watch her be fed and changed and loves to "help" put her to bed. Very Cute. He is learning the intricacies of what we call an "inside voice" vs the loudest screaming yelling known to man that he thinks is hysterical. He has also learned that if he wakes up "Baby Kait" then she cries... LOUDLY!! He is not so fond of the crying. That is definitely helping keep the "inside voice" in check.
Priscilla came over on Day 9 and stayed until Day 19. That was a huge help and then my cousin came on Day 24 and took me home with her for an impromptu visit in SC on Day 27. Kaitlyn turned 4 weeks old while we were there and I stayed there for 9 days. It was heavenly. Kaitlyn was still struggling with Acid Reflux - even though I put her on some medicine - it was NOT working well. So, being home was a godsend since Mike was in Florida for the week and I definitely needed some extra hands to hold Kaitlyn throughout the day, every day. I had recruits galore. We saw cousins, high school friends, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephews and then more friends. It was a fantastic 9 days. When we got back I took Kaitlyn to the doctor again for a different medicine which seemed great for a few days, but I am now not totally convinced that it is working either. she is supposed to take it every 12 hours, but at about hour 10, the medicine seems to wear off. So, looks like I may be back to the drawing board with this second medicine.
This leads me to this week - it has been full and hectic. I have discovered that life with 2 always seems to be hectic. I applaud anyone who either does this by themselves or has more than 2. WOW!! Anyone who does this really has their act together - they have to just to make it through a day. :)
All in all though, the children are doing wonderful, Mike is great - except that he works too hard and can't stay well. We are looking at the 3rd round of strep and possibly walking pneumonia within the last 8 weeks. INSANE.
Pictures to follow.

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