Friday, July 16, 2010

My first Tuesday alone

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the hardest days for me. Ryan is attending a Mother's Day Out program M/W/F and it is a huge help so far. (especially now that at 6 weeks Kaitlyn is having trouble sleeping during the day...)
So, this is my first real Tuesday without any help. Mike isn't here, my Mom isn't here, Priscilla isn't here and my cousin, Francie, won't be here until Thursday afternoon. So, I was a little freaked out with how I would handle this. I looked online for an activity for the morning since Ryan gets a little rambunctious if his energy is channelled. hahaha
I decide that the library has a cool thing coming to town. It is called the Mobile Dairy Cow. So, off to the library we head. When we arrive there is a rather large crowd, but Ryan was still able to get a sit close to the front. There is a huge bus/trailer filled with an enormous cow. The lady there is teaching all about cows and milking etc. Ryan was pretty interested...for about 30 minutes. Who knew this thing would last longer than that. We left right after the cow started milking. ryan had had enough and as this was outside and this was record-breaking heat wave temperatures, I was all too happy to load us all up and head to Chick-fil-A. Burn off a little energy in the air-conditioning. Now, that is Nice.

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