Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 22, 2011

(let me warn you, this is long)
Wow!! My little boy is 3 already. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by with him. Ryan is growing every feels like. He learns new skills so quickly that I can barely keep up with him. He can speak in paragraphs now (quite a change from this time last year where I think his whole repertoire consisted of about 50 words.) Ryan can climb onto/into/out of anything in the house. He loves to use his step stool to get the keys for us and is constantly moving my kitchen chairs around to get something out of the pantry, the cabinet, or the refrigerator. If I am not fast enough for his liking, he will just do it himself. He is definitely a problem solver that way. He started crawling out of his crib on Tuesday, January 18. This was something we had been dreading for a year now. (ever since all of our friends told us about moving their children to "big kid" beds and constantly battling nighttime/morning sleep issues.) Well, it has happened, and while I don't enjoy it, he does follow some simple rules. The first day he got out was nap on Tuesday afternoon. I happened to be sitting up here in the loft and all of a sudden I hear the fan go off, the night light go off, and child is standing there. Wednesday - he waited for me to get him out of the crib that morning, but got out at 5pm that afternoon for nap. Scared me to death in the kitchen b/c I hadn't heard him wake up on the monitor and I was making cupcakes and he rounds the corner. Just startled me. Well, Saturday morning, he got out at 6:08 and I hear him saying hello from my bedside. Now, this means that he got up, turned off his fan, turned off his light, turned on the loft lights, the stairway lights, the 2 kitchen lights, the hearth room lights and finally arrived in our bedroom. That is a long way to go. Needless to say, I was NOT thrilled with this. (not only did he get up early, on the one day this week that Kaitlyn wasn't awake, but he got out of his crib in the dark, wandered the house, and on top of all of that, ruined my little birthday surprise...not happy) We had a little talk that if it was still dark outside he may not get out of his crib and if he hasn't slept long enough at nap he may not get out. So far so good. This morning as he got up at 6:40 and let me know loud and clear that it was indeed "light" outside of his window. (little one was probably counting the minutes to get up...knowing his little mind)
Let's see - Ryan goes to school 3 days a week right now. He has 4 boys in his class and 7 or 8 little girls. All of the children have been friends for 2 yrs or more and are very comfortable in their class. Ryan doesn't even wait for me when we get to school. He tears off down the hallways for his class room and only stops long enough upon entering for me to attach the (identification) sticker to his back. He seems to be very social and is usually concerned if someone in his class is hurt or upset. He kind of gets in the middle of that.
Some stats as I remember them:
1. 40" and about 36lbs (he goes to dr on Feb. 8 so I will know exactly then)
2. Sleeps 10.5 hours at night and 3-4 during nap
3. potty trained himself after Thanksgiving and only had that one day of accidents...EVER
4. Loves saying nightly prayers - adds in our WHOLE family, some friends and now TV characters
5. Mimics EVERY WORD I say...EVERY word. I really have to watch it around him. :)
6. Loves his "baby sister" or "baby Kait" -- really becoming aware of what could hurt her, but sometimes uses that as an excuse to take away his toys from her reach - we are working on that daily.
7. Knows all of his colors, shapes, numbers, and learning letters A-L - also knows P for Patrick, M for Madden, R for Ryan, and Z for Zebra.
8. Plays with Mike's ipad and can find things on it that even I can't.
9. Understands how my camera works and uses it...crazy!
10. Really into Diego, Backyardigans, Spiderman, and Batman. He recognizes characters now and repeats what he learns from shows -- ex. Diego uses a Llama in the ice - when it iced here Ryan said that we needed a Llama to get across the ice so we wouldn't slip -- Mike about died laughing! Another ex - Backyardigans have ninjas to "save the pies" - Ryan is really into doing "Hi Yah" to everything right now. He wears his backpack as a rescue pack. Uses a "rope" to pull himself up and out of things, talks about baby Jaguar and Alecia constantly. It is really cute to hear him so excited about something.
11. Doggy is still in attendance (as is paci for the moment --only at nighttime though)
12. Has gotten a lovey now-- copying Kaitlyn on this one
13. Night time routine: Gets 2 books every night to read, numerous kisses that he will go through every one in the house for if we will let him, Supermans and crazy kisses from Daddy, and sit a minute with prayers from Daddy -- Ryan is such a structured (in the box) child that a routine is what he thrives on!
14. Can ride a bike like the wind!

Now, Ryan's birthday yesterday --
We got up at 6:08, got in trouble for getting up, watched some TV, decided to go to Chick fil A for a birthday treat (and so Daddy could set up a surprise), got back and saw surprise, played outside, moved party inside, Lisa/Matt/Julia were visiting, had lunch, had cake/icecream, nap, more cake/icecream with neighbors, pizza, skyping, bedtime...whew, it just wears me out again writing it.

Big Guy -- This is one of those huge tubes you see blown up outside of car dealerships or stores advertising something. We pass one every day while driving home from school. He is at a car dealership and has arms and a face. He has 1 leg and is burgundy/red. Ryan is constantly asking about Big Guy or wondering if he will be working that day...etc. He acts like he is a real person...

Ok, so I have the bright idea that we will get big guy to come to our house for Ryan's birthday. He was supposed to greet him when he woke up outside of his window. (this is where his getting up early messed up my plans) Anyway, when we got back from Chick fil A, Mike had set up Big Guy for Ryan. Of course, this Big Guy looked different than the other one...(this one had 2 legs, and was multicolored) so, quickly we had to say..."this is Big Guy's Daddy. Big Guy is working today". Whew, that worked and Ryan was so excited to meet Big Guy's daddy that he had to run around in his socks and pajamas before he would go in.
We ate our breakfast and opened presents - moon sand, 2 books, 2 puzzles, a drum, a bat, and 4 balls. After opening, we got dressed to go see Big Guy again. We went to Jake's and Brantley's to show them what was going on. Out the neighbors all came!! Lisa/Matt/Julia were all coming over about 10:30 and they joined into the shenanigans in the front yard of remote control cars, the ice cream man, and some major jumping escapades. Finally, all the adults are standing in the front yard talking and realize that no 3 yr olds are around (all of our kids were born between Jan. 4 and Feb. 4 2008). We realize that they are all in my house -- gotta love it that they can now open doors, etc.
So, we took the babies (all born within 10 weeks of eachother) inside to see what damage had been done. Everyone stayed until after 12 and then went home for lunch. Lisa/Matt/Julia were still with us to celebrate and Ryan and Julia had. a. blast!!! They played so good up in Ryan's was a disaster from earlier with all 4 kids and just had more dumped out while they were up there. At one point they were really quiet - I went upstairs and they were both in the crib taking pictures of eachother with Ryan's new camera. It was SO CUTE!! I could hear them saying...."Cheese!!" How funny!! Another time I heard them saying something about looking at pictures and found them in the loft on my computer...they really are into everything...but just so darned cute together!
We sang Happy Birthday and had cake/icecream and then it was time for nap - for all children. Mine got up about 5 and we had the neighbors over again for cake since they missed it earlier. Everyone stayed until supper and we had Ryan's favorite - pizza. We skyped with Doc/Mimi while they are in China and we went to bed. Ryan had the best birthday!! I can't believe that we have more celebrating to do!! I am worn out already!!

Happy 3 Birthday Ryan!!
Also, Happy Birthday to my brother, Brian, born on the same day 37 years ago!!

My first attempt at cake decorating
Not too shabby -- just don't look too close!!
Ryan's 1st glimpse of Big Guy up close
Big Guy's Daddy
There is a hole in the knee
Daddy and Ryan
Kaitlyn smiling for the camera - what a ham!
Getting ready to open presents
getting another drum - this child loves instruments!

Trying everything out...demonstrating how to blow the trumpet
Almost, but I don't think your mouth goes AROUND the'll take a little practice!
Seriously, trying EVERY instrument out...
Remote control cars
Another of Big Guy's Daddy with blue skies

Julia arrives
Ready, set...
All 3 in progress.

The icecream man visits...
Comparing treats
All in a line - Brantley got here just in time for a treat!
Ryan, Jake, Julia
Bye, Bye Ice cream man!

Singing Happy Birthday
Make a Wish!!

1 comment:

the hoppe pad said...

I cannot believe Ryan is 3! It goes by so fast! Ryan and Kaityn are so cute! I hope to meet them before Ryan turns 10! :)

Why are Doc/Mimi is China?! Very interesting!

Looks like you are busy which is good! Hope all is well and talk to ya soon!