Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pop's 90th birthday party

January 16, 2011

My grandfather was born on January 18, 1921. He is a hardworking man raised as an only child on a farm that had many uses: dairy, lumber, crops. He aspired to go to Clemson University while it was still a military college and during his 4th year was pulled into battle after the infamous day on December 7, 1941. He graduated in May and was sent overseas. "Pop" was fighting the European front and traipsed all over Germany by foot. He was shot the day before Thanksgiving and finally rescued 24 hours later. he spent 3-4 months recovering in a English hospital before being shipped back to the United States.
On his return, he attended a dance at Fort Jackson and met my grandmother who was a blind date of a friend of his. They married on March 19, 1949 and had 3 daughters, while living first in Kingstree and then Columbia. Pop worked for Clemson Extension Station evaluating livestock all over South Carolina all his life and retired in his 70's. He coached swim team while the girls were growing up and spent many hours at their lake property on Lake Murray. He was an avid water skiier and beach wave rider. He and my grandmother both enjoyed their trips to the lake and the beach and entertained frequently. They also traveled quite a bit before my grandmother passed away 5 years ago. He enjoys working on wood projects and has a woodshop in the back of his house. He is a man of many stories while also being a man of few words. He will tell you all about his time at Clemson and still wears his college ring (though the blacking has been redone too many times to count). He is a treasure trove of family history and I relish the time I actually get to sit with him. My hope is to sit down with him this year and pull the life story of James Carradine Epps out of him. I can't wait for the opportunity!!

Dad, Mom and Pop

Ronnie, Libby, Pop, Amanda
Woody, Diane, Pop, and Suzanne
Pop getting into his party
Mom, Nancy, Mary Elizabeth, Aunt Kathleen (grandmama's sister), Janet, Dot, Jimmy, Wanda
Diane, Katherine
(these are all first cousins - their Mom's were/are my grandmother's sisters)
Pop and my paternal grandmother, Dot
Weston and Ryan - Best buddies despite the 10 yr difference!
Pop doing his signature maestro moves while singing Happy Birthday
Big Breath
More sweet Kaitlyn (girl definitely doesn't miss a meal!!)
My adorable girl!
Me, Pop, and Kaitlyn
Libby, Mama, Diane


Jamie and Brooks said...

OMG, your Pop is too cute! Love all the new pics and updates. Wish we lived closer so we could get together with the kiddos. Hope you all are doing well.

TigerFamily said...

Love this! What a rich heritage your grandfather has! I am sure the stories he has to share with you are nothing short of amazing. I never knew my paternal grandfather but I love looking at his old pictures of Clemson from when he was a student there! Sounds like you have got lots of stories to write down to pass along to your kids.

Chris and Amy said...

He sounds like such a special man and he looks great too!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful job you have done capturing some of the highlight's of Big Pop's life! Now you must make the time to talk more in detail with him very soon.
The pictures say it all - his birthday celebration was a wonderful day spent with family and friends.